Sunday, June 1, 2008

Though this post is dissimilar from the subject discussed, some bloggers might find it useful. Its about popularizing your blog links and improving the blog visibility within search engines.

The new blogger comes with a "no follow" attribute which is not good for the bloggers. This attribute prevents the hyper links being indexed bu the search engines. Although blogger does this to prevent spammers, it might not help in the growth of the blog. Removing this " no follow" attribute will also help the search engines to crawl into the comments section and search the links inside them.

Please backup your template before doing this as we are going to tamper the code.

To remove the "no follow" attribute, log into your blogger account - Enter into the dash board, select your blog. Go to the LAYOUT section -> EDIT HTML tab -> tick the expand widget box -> search for inside the code

a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>

Now delete the "nofollow" word. Preview the blog before saving. Make sure everything is okay and save it.


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